Single Reviews: February 3rd 2022: Softcult, Heka & GG Skips, Rolling Blackouts CF, No Monster Club, Maria BC

Photo by kevin laminto

Gaslight – Softcult

indie rock/pop

Gaslight from Softcult’s new EP Year of the Snake balances itself precariously on the line between pop and indie rock. With top-quality production and an obvious knack for melody, the inoffensive track is a joy to listen to. Textured drums keep the guitars, vocals, and atmospherics together in a tight, almost three-minute package. Like sugary breakfast cereal, there are times when the fruit can taste artificial, the gloss of the mix and the vocals sound a bit more Lavigne than Bridgers, but one can hardly complain when they sound so good. 

High Tide – Heka & GG Skips

alternative / indie folk

This dreamy, psychedelic folk track from London based artists Heka & GG Skips does a good job of replicating the effect of its subject matter. With long, drawn-out structures, 60’s stoner vibe guitars, fractured drums, and lush vocals, one does feel one is floating in a high tide while listening. As Heka’s angelic voice is washed out in a wave of brass, Skip’s more sinister vocalizations come into the fore. This girl-boy dynamic gives a story-like quality to the track, and thanks to the vague lyrics, it’s a story open to interpretation. I recommend a dip.

The Way It Shatters – Rolling Blackouts CF

indie rock

From Melbourne, Rolling Blackouts CF follow up 2020’s Sideways to New Italy with The Way it Shatters, the first single from the upcoming album Endless Rooms. A radio-friendly play around 90’s alternative rock and more locally fitting surf-rock vibes, the track accomplishes a lot in its modest four-minute running time; a disorienting yet inviting synth lead, obscure narratives, and a confident chorus. Put this on your ‘Chilling With Friends in the Backyard On a Sunny Day’ playlist. 

Save The Circus – No Monster Club

indie rock

Dublin renaissance man Bobby Ahern makes a welcome return as No Monster Club for the upcoming album deadbeat effervescent. Lead single Save The Circus is a joyfully Juvenalian ode to an entertainment institution. Simple and catchy melodies are the order of the day, with jangly guitars tight-rope walking under the elephant brass and acrobatic drums. It’s clear by the nonchalant lyrics and vocal delivery that Ahern has come to favour mood over style; originality over pretence. The mood here is decidedly carefree, despite the potentiality of losing the circus. Good tune to jolt a lifeless party, or a terrible day (to remind yourself that life needn’t be taken so seriously). 

The Only Thing – Maria BC

indie / alternative

The Only Thing is the first song released from Maria BC’s upcoming album Hyaline. The slow-burning track melds ruminative guitars hitting saudade notes, ethereal vocals cryptically delivering imagery, and light, experimental drum patterns. BC reaches emotionally compelling heights in their vocals, and the unassuming track will gently pull you in before delivering the good stuff. The single also comes with an alluring video, beautifully filmed by a frozen lake and featuring choreography and performance by dancer C Green.

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