Sleepwalker by Hourloupe (Album Review)

In the world of representational knowledge, words can deliver a weight of 

cultural associations. Even a word as simple as ‘shadow’ can instill in the receiver a world of dark and unknown mysticism. On the other hand, non-representational knowledge, such as music, relies only on the intuitive responses of the receiver to make associations. On “Sleepwalker” by Hourloupe, a collaboration between artists Frank Menchaca and Anar Badalov, representational and non-representational knowledge seem to be juxtaposed to the extremes. 

Consisting of eleven short and eerie tracks, Sleepwalker pits insanely visceral spoken word with beguiling and ever-changing experimental music to create an absorbing listening experience full of shadows and mystery. Sinister synths, botched samples, and brooding ambiences marry with descriptive poetry delivered in a clear, deadpan fashion. The spoken word here is crystal clear, and one can detect the nuances of the voice; lips closing, throat clearing, intonation see-sawing. It makes lyrics such as “In the vestibules of the crypts of New Orleans / The spirits mill about / Consulting the swirls of marble / Like the scrolls / Of petrified smartphones” hit you right between the eyes. No track here exists on its own, and the album plays as one complete, complex, and compelling piece.



Sleepwalker by Hourloupe
Reviewed by Jay Honeycomb on April 19th 2022
Rating: 4

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